The Apostles Creed Is A Concise Statement Of Our Christian Faith:
We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
Born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried: He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven,
And sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From there he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Ghost; The Church Universal; the Communion of Saints;
The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body, And the Life everlasting. Amen.
New Hope A.M.E. Church stands as
a beacon of faith for the world.
We celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We are a place of prayer, peace and joy
to all who join us.
Our community is richly diverse,
with people of different ages and backgrounds
coming together to worship and serve God.
We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love and the
salvation offered through Jesus Christ, His Son.
Our doors are open to every soul seeking
to welcome Jesus into their heart.
Reverend Hunter is Senior Pastor of New Hope A.M.E. Church.
She is a passionate speaker, fully sold out to Jesus Christ.
She is a wife, mother and grandmother.
Pastor Hunter has a diverse occupational background that contributes to a more holistic view of ministry. She began in sales, marketing and management in corporate America, and later gained experience in construction. Most of her employment years, however, have been spent as a Pastor and Educator.
Pastor Hunter entered the ministry in 1994 after experiencing a vision from God. In keeping with her calling to serve in the ministry of
the Gospel, Reverend Hunter prayerfully began her journey with
spiritual and academic preparation.
Reverend Hunter is saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost.
She loves the Lord, is passionate about the Word of God and committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her ultimate vision for ministry is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Academic Credentials
Bachelor of Arts: Atlanta Christian College
Minor: Christian Education and Koine Greek
Master of Divinity: Emory University, Candler School of Theology
Concentration in Christian Education and Ancient Biblical Languages
Master of Arts: Mercer University, Tift College of Education
Specialist Degree in Early Childhood Education.